Should we made the apple sauce little bit slower?

Written by Gabor Keve on .

"The apple sauce, the apple sauce. Don't throw into bread pellet!" - sung Judit Halász (famous hungarian singer) in 1996, because everybodies know that there is no better dessert than the sweet spicy apple sauce!


Since then, it took a lot of time, a new kitchen technical processes have come: appeared the umami and the gastronomic revolution and off course the gastro-blogging, but applesauce still preserves its position in the list of the most delicious desserts! So the question is: Can be made a bit slower?

If your answer is yes, it can be cooked in sous vide bath, in fact, it is recommended to cook in! It will be so moisture, and the flavor and vitamins preserves better than if you have prepared in pan.


Set the sous vide machine to 82 °C (180 F). Peel the apple, cut it to larger portions (2 - 2,5 cm), drop it into vacuum bag, with the cinnamons- and with the cloves. Pour the lemon jouice to the apple. At last, weight the brown sugar into the bag, and seal with vacuum sealer machine. The next step is, to put the bag into sous vide bath 45 - 60 minutes. Once completed, carefully pour a bowl (82 °C hot enough!), remove the spices (if it was in whole) and then tamp together, or mix it down.

Edible hot or cold, you can add to roasted meat as side dish!

Tips: Instead of cinnamon and clove, you can try the chinese five spice mix (cinnamon, star anis, clove, fennel and anise)


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Tags: sous vide, sousvide, sousvidecenter, recipe, apple, sauce, delicious, cinnamon
