photo, recipe & post sharing policy

Welcome to Sous Vide Center! I put a lot of love into every post, recipe and photo and all are copyrighted material of Gabor Keve (Sous Vide Center founder). If you choose to share a photo, recipe or post, that’s great — but please follow the sharing policies listed below. Thank you for your support!


You’re more than welcome to share photos as long as you link back to my site and follow the following rules:

If you want to use my photos to promote one of my recipes, you can share one photo, but must link back to the original post. Please do not share the original recipe. If you choose to promote my recipe, please let me know via email or with a comment on the site. 

If you want to use my photos to promote something else, please contact me beforehand to discuss. If my photo is used without explicit permission, I have the right to have you remove it from your site. 


You cannot republish my recipe(s) without my permission. If you are interested in re-publishing my content, please email me. 


You cannot republish my post(s) without my permission. If you are interested in re-publishing my content, please email me. 

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